
You have spent a lot of time, effort, and resources creating worthless content. Right?

If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Many other writers also struggle to craft top-quality content to appear on Google's first page. More so, to meet the demands of both readers and bots, in order to drive conversions and generate leads.

But if no one sees the content you create for your business, all your effort and energy would have been for nothing. How bad it would be!

That's why creating SEO-centric content is quite important. Besides that, there is a lot involved in the process. To start on a clear note, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making your content simple for search engines to understand.

By doing this, you will have a greater chance of ranking higher when someone searches for what you provide. With that, here is a quick explanation of how to create optimized content for search engines. You will also understand why SEO is the cornerstone of all content strategies. So, stick around this guide.

Elements of SEO optimized content

The practice of making your written content more search engine friendly is known as SEO.

There are several moving factors in SEO, including:

  • E-A-T

  • User Intent

  • Keywords research

  • On-page SEO

  • Off-page SEO

  • Meta titles & descriptions

  • Backlinks

  • Bouncing rate

Although this is not a comprehensive list, it gives you a clue about SEO factors.

Why does SEO matter in content writing?

Google's algorithms prioritize material that is of excellent quality. It evaluates the quality of the content based on several elements, including the number of internal and external links, the frequency and placement of keywords, the length of the content, and more.

SEO importance in content writing

In a logical world, Google's responsibility is to provide consumers with the most relevant search results. Because of this, it searches for specific indicators of a good match between the query and the content.

The more high-quality content you produce; the more likely you will rank for the keywords you want.

The ranking is particularly important for SEO content writing since it helps you attract more customers to your business. And you get more credibility as more people become aware of your brand.

Every time a user clicks on your content in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), it's a sign that Google most likely found a solid match for the query.

By putting yourself in front of people who are actively looking for what you know, sell, or deliver, search engine optimization handles a lot of the daunting work for you. In this way, SEO does not only help you reduce your advertising expenses, or lay a firm foundation for reinforcing marketing KPIs but also assists you in raising your brand awareness.

Try these twelve SEO content writing tips right now!

To rank higher in SERPs, you need to do more than just tick the boxes on a list of SEO-oriented recommendations. Creating content that is SEO-friendly has a pattern and logic.

These tips and tricks will help you write impeccable SEO content.

1. E-A-T

Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)!

Google evaluates all websites according to these three parameters. Although these three factors appear identical, they are not the same.


Expertise is having a full grip on a skill in a specific field. Here, it means high-level knowledge of content.

Google gives priority to the content written by a subject expert. So, you should master the topic you are going to write about.


In SEO, authority refers to the reputation, especially among your competitors and other experts in your industry.

For example, when readers look for a particular website to get their query answered, it is called authority. You can say that Tesla is an authoritative platform for getting information about electric vehicles.


When a particular website is transparent and accurate, you can call it a trustworthy site.

Therefore, you should have accurate information on your site.

While writing an article, you should include a trustworthy source in order to strengthen your viewpoint.

It will also build your site authority.

2. User Intent

The sole purpose that users have in their minds when searching for something on Google is called user intent.

For instance, some users are typing the query to gain information, and others want to purchase something. These are two different user intents.

It is always wise to put yourself in your readers’ shoes first. This will help you come up with the exact user intent of your target audience.

So, you should focus on user intent before diving into the writing phase. User intent is categorized into these four points:

Informational intent

When a user comes to gain some information about a particular topic, it is called information intent.

Navigational intent

When a user looks for a specific website, it is called navigational intent.

Transactional intent

When a person uses the internet with the purpose of buying something, it is called transactional intent.

Commercial investigation intent

When a person uses the internet with the intention of buying something in the future, it is called commercial investigation intent.

You should first identify user intent.

3. Do comprehensive keyword research

The first step in writing for SEO success is keyword research. Keyword research allows you to set and achieve SMART Goals with your content marketing strategy. Before diving into the writing phase, you must come up with low-competition keywords. Several tools, like Ahref and SEMRush, can help you do sophisticated keyword research and link development.

Keyword research is important in SEO

In addition, SEO tools can track the effectiveness of your backlinks so you can keep an eye on your brand authority. You can also trace the keywords for which your rivals are ranking so you can outrank them.

Target keywords should be included in the following places:

  • Meta title

  • Meta description

  • Heading

  • Site content

Just keep in mind that you should not overuse keywords in your article.

In the past, using too many keywords to increase ranks was a common SEO practice. However, search engines no longer rank material solely based on the frequency of a term appearing in the article, and keyword-stuffed content does not provide site users a genuine experience.

4. Know your target audience

You should communicate directly to the readers in order to capture their attention. It means that you must know their typical queries and key concerns.

Identifying the target audience is essential in SEO

The buyer personas can help you with that. It includes a variety of essential data. In this way, you can know:

  • Their objectives and challenges

  • Queries they have about their issues

  • The type of content they like the most

Make sure that your buyer personas accurately represent your readers.

5. Use an online notepad to write content

These days, content writers benefit from various tools to organize their content. One of these tools is the online notepad. Writing content in an online notepad is the best way to guarantee that it is not lost. In this way, you can access the written copy anytime you want. You can write and edit content using the online notepad free, without any login or registration. Also, you can upload the .txt, Word, and PDF files to this tool.

It will instantly compute the total word count of your content, so you stay within the word limit. Compatible with all browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera) and devices (mobile phones, desktops, and laptops), there is zero compatibility issue in using a notepad tool. When it comes to formatting your content, an online notepad comes in handy. It provides you with bunches of text formatting and editing features.

Using this tool, you can add appealing headings, graphs, tables, and bullet points to your article. Moreover, it also lets you strengthen your points by adding hyperlinks to statistics in the content. Most importantly, your written text will be automatically saved. Its most crucial feature is its built-in grammar checker, which lets you check and fix grammar while crafting content. In a nutshell, using an online notepad helps you save a lot of time and effort.

6. Create an engaging meta title

What is the most crucial section of any article?

The title.

Users will first read your title, which will help them determine whether your content suits their demands. Most people read the article's title before going through the entire copy. So, spend time creating a strong title that meets the proper expectations if you want people to share your content with their friends.

7. Add a compelling meta description

The brief text passage underneath the title of a search result is known as the meta description. The reader is given a preview of the article, which may persuade them to click through. However, if you do not write the meta description, Google will generate it automatically based on your content.

It would be best to write the description manually. In this way, you can make it more interesting than search engines. Include your primary keyword and a concise summary of the content of your page in your meta description to maximize its effectiveness.

8. Write for people first, then for algorithms

While SEO content writing should entice search engines, it also has to satisfy your audience. While writing for guest posting sites avoid making your writing so robotic that it lacks passion or clarity. After all, you are writing for human readers. To engage emotionally with your target audience, you should write human-friendly content.

9. Use short & sweet sentences

The typical reader is proficient in 7th to 8th-grade reading. Therefore, you should write your material to appeal to the general reader. Write concise sentences. But, what to do if you have to write a long copy? Algorithms can scan and search through your material more easily if your material is long-form.

10. Use several subheadings

Subheadings allow you to segment any subject, no matter how specific. Additionally, this enables you to place your keywords in visible areas. Subheadings help in text organization and make it simpler for readers to show them the precise information they want.

In contrast to SEO standards, producing content is a process that is considerably more focused on meeting customer demand. When you provide a good experience on your website, together with high-quality content, it instantly benefits the position of your page in the SERPs.

11. Provide visual examples

Images enhance text's beauty by breaking up large walls of content. Additionally, they strengthen your narrative and provide additional value for the readers. Hence, start adding images to your content. However, make sure that the images are related to the content you’re providing. Also, ensure to resize the large images or files to avoid hampering with the page’s speed.

Write content regularly

You can increase your authority and brand awareness by consistently producing new content. Plus, adding fresh chunks, links, and analytics to already-published articles is a good way to appeal to search engines.

Regularly updating text is crucial for better SEO

When information is updated, search engines take note.

12. Promote the sharing of content

When ranking content, Google considers the quantity and quality of hyperlinks to your website. Search engines will rank your content higher in SERPs when reliable websites link to it, giving your website a more authoritative appearance.

How does social sharing affect website rankings?

Social media postings provide good traffic back to your website. In light of this, creating simple SEO content to share online is crucial. This can be accomplished by including call-to-actions (CTAs) and social sharing buttons on your website.


I have compiled a list of top eleven tips to help you get started and I hope it helps you out. However, note that SEO writing takes time and practice. Keyword research can help you uncover valuable writing topics for your business. With that, include target keywords in key places like headings, content, page titles, and meta descriptions.

On the other hand, forcing keywords can make your writing more robotic. Search engines want to display results that match searchers' queries. You need to consider search intent to rank higher in SERPs.

Practice content sharing by including social sharing buttons and CTAs on your site. Also, remember that internal linking is a crucial component of your site's content strategy. Linking to new content on your site from existing posts makes it easier for search bots to crawl. So, follow these tips and optimize your web content for search engines and users.