
When you think of brand identity, what comes to mind? You may recall a catchy slogan, a jingle, a unique color palette, or a unique logo that is easy to remember.

Marketing depends on having an identifiable company logo, website, and products, but brand identity goes beyond the aesthetic scope of your company. Your brand identity allows you to tell a compelling story about your business and set customer expectations. Utilizing this aspect of your company is an immense business opportunity.

In fact, according to Oberlo, nearly half of consumers will spend more on a trustworthy and consistent brand than an untrustworthy one. Your brand identity is what story your company shares with customers and how you communicate that story links directly to your overall business strategy and profitability.

Let's look at why brand identity matters and the top qualities of a strong brand.

Defining Brand Identity

Think of your brand identity as your company's personality. It comprises your brand messaging, values, and interactions with your customers. It also includes your product or service features that set your company apart in the marketplace. Your brand identity makes an impression on customers, beginning with advertising and continuing when using the product.

Six Reasons Why Your Brand Identity Matters

A strong brand identity is critical to business success but is not something to accomplish short term. Building a brand identity takes time and consistent effort, but worthwhile. Brand identity is an excellent tool because it elevates your brand and allows customers to relate to it more personally.

Here are the top reasons why you should invest in your brand identity.

1. It improves brand recognition

A brand identity helps customers to recognize your company and products within seconds. You have a higher chance of conversion when your target audience can identify and remember your brand. Use a distinct logo, slogan, and striking colors to make your business stand out and stick in your customer's memory. Always track your brand awareness KPI to understand how your audience perceives your company.

2. It improves your advertising ROI

Similarly, a cohesive brand identity makes your advertising efforts more effective. A brand that's easily recognized gives your ads greater mileage. For example, the same logo and message across platforms mean that customers can easily spot your products in a store, recall your website URL, or search for your business online with the right keywords.

3. It creates and increases customer loyalty

A key objective for every business is to develop a base of repeat customers. Brand identity is one way to inspire loyalty and encourage your customers to return to your products. That's why your net revenue retention (NRR) is one of the most critical marketing KPIs to track. It indicates your recurring revenue from loyal customers and informs your marketing strategy. Customers who return to your brand also return to the brand identity you develop.

4. It increases your market share

increases your market share

Brand identity plays a role in gaining a competitive advantage. It differentiates your product and business from similar or competing products. When done right, brand identity grows your market share by effectively showcasing your unique selling proposition (USP). This way, you demonstrate that your product is unlike any other, encouraging customers to try your product for the first time, return for more, or switch from the competition.

5. It builds trust and credibility

Consumer trust is an invaluable asset for every business. The challenge of building trust through brand identity is consistency. Businesses face numerous internal and external change drivers that can impact them. Maintaining your brand identity makes you a market leader and establishes your trust and authority in your industry, which inevitably leads to more customer trust.

6. It communicates your values clearly

Language is also a part of your brand identity because it enables your business to connect with your customers. Of course, each brand has a unique personality. Brands can be authoritative, laid-back, sophisticated, adventurous, etc. Determine your business values, choose the tone that matches your goals, and integrate the correct language everywhere in your marketing strategy, from your company slogan to your tweets.

What Makes a Strong Brand Identity?

Curating and maintaining a solid brand identity is essential to marketing your organization. What sets some brands apart in the marketplace? They invest in crucial elements and have the foundation to create and evolve their brand identities.

Strong Brand Identity

The following are the essential elements of a strong brand identity.

1. A unique look and feel

All customer-facing brand components, like the logo, signature colors, and website, are memorable and align with customer expectations.

2. A clear purpose

A strong brand identity tells a story about your business and what you promise to deliver to your customers.

3. A consistent voice

All communications with shareholders use the same tone and language across all platforms. Training your customer-facing teams to align with your brand voice is essential to maintaining conformity.

4. A positive brand experience

A strong brand offers a good end-user experience that continues long after closing the sale. It ensures that customers engage with your brand and encourage others to do the same. Investing in customer experience and service can help communicate how your brand values its customers.

5. A clear value proposition

A strong brand tells customers why they should choose your product to solve their problems. It also shows competitors that they can't copy or imitate your products.

Excellent brand identity needs to be aesthetically pleasing. Design elements like color palettes, fonts, and icons are essential to your image. But remember that these elements are a means of storytelling to engage customers. Your brand identity can genuinely flourish when you find the balance between great design and marketing.


Your brand identity is an effective communication tool that resonates with your customers at every touchpoint. Like every aspect of business, brand identity requires actionable marketing OKRs to measure its performance as customer needs and competitors change. Monitor your brand identity consistently and adjust your strategy over time to maintain a solid competitive edge.